#1 Accuracy Church List
We offer over 200,000+ verified pastor contacts, 200,000+ verified phone numbers, and 150,000+ church websites. Get the #1 leading church marketing mailing list.
150+ Trusted Sources
Tri-Media Church Mailing Lists are built from verified buyers and pastors – it is not a directory compiled list. Our sources include over 150 vendors to provide you with the cleanest data possible.
100% Personally Verified
Every contact on Tri-Media’s Church Mailing Lists is personally validated by our research team. Verifications are continual and the data is updated regularly. Get the freshest church list available!

- Best responders
- Better responders
- Good responders
- Less responders
- Least responders
- Minimal responders
- Adventist
- Baptist
- Catholic
- Charismatic
- Christian
- Episcopal
- Evangelical
- Fundamental
- Holiness
- Lutheran
- Mennonite
- Methodist
- Orthodox
- Pentecostal
- Presbyterian
- Reformed
- Undetermined
- Evangelical
- Liturgical
- Charismatic
- Independent
- Music/Worship
- Growth Oriented
- Youth Ministry
- Black Churches
- Hispanic Churches
- Asian Churches
- Christian Education
- Daycare/Preschool
- Single Adult Ministry
- Senior Adult Ministry
- Female Pastors
- Women’s Ministry
- Adult Ministry
- 1 – 49 attendees
- 50 – 99 attendees
- 100 – 199 attendees
- 200 – 499 attendees
- 500 – 999 attendees
- 1,000+ attendees
Targeted Church Marketing
Church Mailing Lists

service testimonials
Kind Words From Clients

“Saves Time & Money. ”
Tri-Media maximizes results from every mailing to the Church list by modeling data to select top prospects. Through data profiling, our mailings produce much higher quality and quantity results.
Doug Franklin, President/Founder
LeaderTreks Youth Ministry